Well, we had a good weekend for the most part. Caleb got home Friday from camp and he had a great time. He is getting so big. He wanted to go back this week.
Saturday was a slow day. I finished up my Sunday PM sermon and then April and I went out on a date. We havent had a date in who knows how long. It was good just to be together.
Yesterday we still had a bunch on vacation. (Folks here go on vacation in shifts. At least they dont all go at the same time.) But we did have a good crowd. Amazingly we had 74 come in after Sunday School. So we had a crowd.
I started a brand new series entitled, "The Holiness of God" and the 1st sermon was a simple message on what it means that God is Holy.
Last night I continued in my series on "Characteristics of A Person With Character" looking at the life of Joseph. I preached on Self Control. It is the battle of all battles because if you have no self control you'll lose all other battles.
Then last night we had a baptism. A woman in our church got saved in my office Friday and she was baptized last night. It is truly a story of the power of God. Call me and I'll tell you all about it.
On a personal note, pray for me. I have really been struggling with my voice. It has been coming and going at will and in my line of work it is kinda important.
Well, thats about it. Im going to do a rant in a seperate post.
you need to update your post this is 6-8 not 5-8. I'll pray for your voice. Joel went through the same thing about a year or so ago.
Love ya
Actually, it was several years ago. It is a problem with acid reflux that causes the problem. You might try some over the counter medicine for the that and avoid caffeine and milk before you speak.
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