Well it has been a long but good long weeked. Last Thursday we went to my parents in Knoxville, TN and had a great time and was very relaxed. Dad still owns the lead in our basketball games that have lasted the last 23 years but I recorded 1 win this past weekend. And BTW, there is NO shame in losing to your father.
We came home Saturday (without the kids. They are staying with mom and dad until later this week) and had a good Sunday yesterday. I finished my series on the "Holiness of God" by talking about the Battle to Live Right. Last night I continued our Series on "Characteristics of Character" by talking about having Endurance. Folks seem to really enjoy that series. There have been many requests for the DVD's. (BTW, if you'd like the DVD's you can have them for the cost of DVD's)
Anyway, new series starting this Sunday and its still a toss up. It is between two but havent decided yet.
VBS kicks off Sunday night and officially begins Monday. Should be interesting.
Not much else is going on. And still have plans to put up pics. They are coming.